Cafe Story Makers

Cafe Story Makers

With the ever growing market and options of Coffee Shop brands, it is important for a new one to secure it’s spot among the top cafes in Palakkad. We wanted to make Cafe Story Makers' logo stand out because of this

Cafe Story Makers
As the name signifies, Cafe Story Makers wanted to make sure that the stories over their finest brew is important. We took the challenge of creating a logo that says “Come, share your stories” with a lot of hidden meanings that makes the tagline interesting


The first ideas were visualised in the quick pencil sketches to catch the possible silhouette of the future logo. We sat around for 3 days just scribbling & brainstorming which we believe is a significant stage that satisfies several needs. That's when we came to conclusion that we need a logo with name highlighted instead of coffee mug logo or a story telling one. But we needed to include all the story telling, coffee & people in the logo which made it difficult. We love such challenges & after many revisions we finally got one which we were confident to share with client & voila! Client approved it in first submission.

After getting the approval on logo, the next thing was to create branded packages that supports whole visual identity of Cafe Story Makers. Black brings the elite look to the package, the challenge was to make it more appealing to the young audience & also doesn't look expensive to them. The doodles & typography used bring a funky vibe to the packaging makes it look like an expensive gift made for the customer.


Branding, Brand Guidelines, Brand Identity, Typography, Pakckaging
